Saturday, December 5, 2009
decisions, decisions!!!
I talked to Jake from MBP and got a little advice there! So I'm pretty excited! And by the way guys...I'm feeling deprived because you have posted a blog in a while!!
Today I stayed home with my granny and papaw. And tomorrow I'm going to write a children's story about a geriatric condition!! That ought to be lots of fun!! hahaha!!
We have 2 weeks left until Christmas break...I'm really excited about that! And I told you guys in an earlier blog that I was trying to get Rachel's Challenge to come to my school. Well it's been like 3 days and they still haven't contacted me back! I'm kinda depressed about that!
And it just hit me...I had to handle the most horrific situation in the whole world. So I live on a farm and so there are 3 big dogs that live here and they stay outside most of the time! And then we have cats living in our barn. We have more cats than the state of Rhoad Island probably! And one of our cats who is tame, her name is Oreo, has kittens every time she is able. Which means she just adds to the cat population and I'm sure they have their own city and I'm sure there aren't any mice within a five mile radius because the cats would eat them. Well this morning I slept in till about 11:30. My mom came over from Granny's house and she left just about as quick as she came but about 3o seconds after she walked out the door I heard my mom freaking out. Now if I were freaking most people would just forget it, like it wasn't even happening but when my mom freaks out the world stops because she doesn't freak out very often. So since she is freaking out, I'm worried so I hurry up and run out the door, shoeless in the snow and I ask what's wrong. The next thing I know my mom is at the steps to our house and she has a baby kitten in her hand. It looked dead. So I hurried and got her a towel and we wrapped it up and we were trying to nurse him back to life. As my mom goes to get something from the front of the house I was standing front of a vent trying to allow the heat to help it. But after a couple of minutes I realized that the kitten was dead. He wasn't coming back and since I don't handle dead anything well I brought him to my mom and asked her to check him. She laid him on the washer and kind of rolled him over. Since he was dead he didn't really move. That's when it was confirmed more than ever. His entire underside was up and we saw where he had a gaping whole in the back part of his underside. The dogs had ripped every bit of his masculinity out. That poor kitten died such a horrible death. I'm really mad at those dogs. But anyways on with the story. Since I'm such a baby I couldn't just throw the dead kitten out. I had to bury it! So I found a very old pillow case and my mom wrapped him in it and then we found a box and put him in it! Then I went out and brushed some snow out of the way and I dug a whole deep enough to bury him. That wasn't fun. Then I put him in the ground and covered him up! The whole time I was singing the song "God Be With You Till We Meet Again". I figured he needed a proper burial!!!
Hopefully, the rest of the cats are going to be ok!
Wish me luck with asking out my guy friend!! :D All will be well!!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Rachel's Challenge
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
What people don't know...
When you look on the side where she has listed her children, she has her first born my little sister and then Myself and my brother! The thing that saddens me the most is that my little brother who pasted away when he was 6 months old isn't even mentioned.
I miss him alot! I never knew him though! The first time I saw him was in his casket! That sweet little boy! He looked just like a perfect little doll! For years after, I wasn't able to sing the song "I lived in Heaven" at all without tearing up! He was so perfect, he didn't even have to stay here! The best part about having a little brother who pasted away is that I know he is always looking out for me!!
Sometimes I wish my dad and step-mom would go through just a portion of the pain I went through! To know the hurt and complications that I have experienced due to the break of my old family and the formation of their new family! It must be nice to have "the perfect family"!
But despite all of the things I've gone through with my parents divorce and a mean step-mom, I will have a successful family. I will love my children the way mom loved me and I will take the things that my father took from me and I will realize their importance and teach them to my children! I can't wait! And maybe one day my dad will really realize how great his daughter is! I can only dream right!!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Get In The Spirit...
But it's late and I want to start the week right! And I go to bed later and later each night so I want to start going to bed early!
Night everyone!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
1001 things every teen should know before they leave home...(or else they'll come back)
- They should know to invest in an ironing board. It will keep them from starting a fire on the breakfast table and moving home!
- They should know that bleach is good at making things white. Even things that aren't white.
- They should know the prices in supermarkets are two to three times less than the convience stores. Of course, it may require shopping at an hour other than 3:00 a.m.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
...The Flu [Update]
We arrived at the hospital at 5:40 and I got in my room at 8:30! That was a long wait in the ER waiting room. I was placed in droplet precautions, which means that any person that would be within 3 feet of me would have to wear a mask.[actually this is the color of the sign that was on my door. But I didn't find that out till I left because I wasn't allowed to leave my room!] I just learned about that in my nursing class. I was there for about 40 hours give or take a few. I went through 4 bags of IV fluids and 4 or 5 bags of antibiotics. I was able to come home, however, I am still taking antibiotics by mouth and an inhaler. I'm really glad to be home even though I'm really tired. Although one thing I have learned after 2 stays in the hospital, you don't get much rest; between the beds and the health care team coming in rest is impossible! Although after night one my doctor asked me how I slept and I said not very good. He asked why and I said because people kept coming in. He told me that he would put a note in my chart saying not to wake me up if I'm sleeping! Oh that was great! I was actually able to sleep last night! No midnight breathing treatments. No midnight vital sign check. It was lovely. Although I did have one interruption around 5 this morning, my IV machine started beeping and that was really annoying. I had to call the nurse and ask her to come make it stop. I was really happy to sleep all night! It wasn't my bed and it was really small but staying asleep all night is something I'm really grateful for! I'm also really happy to get that IV out of my hand! Today just before I left one of my respiratory therapist stepped on my IV tube and it pulled on my hand, OUCH!!! Hospital food here isn't that great! My friends called me and talked to me! I was really happy about that because I didn't have alot of visitors. Actually only 2 and they were there to give me a blessing. Nobody really wanted to come to my room because I was in droplet precautions and all of my friends were either sick with the flu or just getting over the flu!
I think my most favorite thing about being out is that I was able to see the outside and go to it! It does really exist. It's not just a figment of my imagination, it's not just a folk tale they talk about, or a moving picture on my wall! I'm really happy to be home! I can't wait to sleep all night in my own bed!!
[Salud means good health!!]
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Flu...
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Sicker than a dog and getting worse!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Unrequitted no more! Only in my dreams!
So me being the goody-two-shoes Mormon that I am, I didn't date until I was 16 then my first date wasn't until July before my 17 birthday(which by the way, my birthday is Aug. 11). I was almost 17. I really struggle with guys. My dad left my mom and I when I was 3 and married another lady with a daughter just a couple years older than me. Once I was finally old enough to understand this, I always felt like a model that wasn't good enough so he traded me in. Well several years have passed and now I understand that it was his loss and he is the one that missed out not me, however, the thought still comes to me all the time, "If my dad didn't love me when I was my cutest then why would any other male love me, for that matter even like me!" I have come to learn over the years that I really am a nice person and fun to be around but that took years to learn. Now that I'm OK in that department, I really would like to actually date somebody! I don't think that a random double date planned in 5 minutes doesn't really count!(especially considering I grew up with the guy and he had a GF) Any how, There is this guy at school and I really like him. I really would like to get to know him better but because I'm so nervous around guys and I'm afraid that guys are utterly repulsed by me then I won't talk to him!! I talked to him for the first time today and he is the one who started the conversation. I got his number last night but I'm really afraid to text him! My Friends say just wait, be patient. But in that time that I wait I just kinda get down, feel like I am utterly repulsive and shouldn't try anymore! It seems now days that everybody has somebody, except me! I really, honestly, in all truthfulness, don't know how to act around guys. If we are talking about cars, sports, or hunting, yeah, I can do that but to even think about talking to a guy that I like scares the heebie-geebies out of me! It absolutely terrifies me! Actually to be honest the idea of talking to this guy makes me feel so bad, I feel like I might just ralf! It is miserable. When I think about a guy liking me, I don't even think that's possible! It's never happened before and it seems like it's one of those things that only happens to other people!
I think my biggest fear is that when I go to college there might be a guy that would like me but since I don't know how to act around guys I would just avoid him and then when confronted I would do what I always do when I talk about this subject and I would cry, making me feel like an even bigger loser! I just don't want the first time that I really date somebody to be when I'm in college and I don't have a clue as to what I'm doing!!
It will all be OK in time, I know but until then, : '(
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Parents=Good yet frustrating!!!
I'm going to bed!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Free manis, pedis, hair cuts, and tanning...
Monday, October 12, 2009
Two roads diverge!
I got an e-mail today from a college that as been sending me stuff since my freshman year. It is a really great college and it is known for it's medical education. Tulane Univeristy in New Orleans,LA. So I decided that I didn't have anything to loose, they are offering me a free application. I'm going to take it! I have no back up plan in case I don't get into BYU-I! I know I will but I will be prepared just in case! Now all I have to do is take the application to my counselor tomorrow and then everything will be ok! My application comes out for BYU-I on Thursday! I can't wait to fill out that application!
Today I was lost in reading posts from this blog called Confessions from a Mormon Bachelor Pad! I believe that it's real because I don't think guys could be that creative! (Not meaning to doubt you guys, you are great!) And since I've never dated anybody and I will be leaving for a place full of mormon boys I decided htat it would be a good idea to have an idea of how they think! And if I know what makes them tick then I won't try to analyze everything that a guy does! Reading this blog makes me realize how real they are. It really has changed how I see them, not in a bad way, just in a realistic way!! I love reading it even though sometimes they aren't the nicest!! But I really feel like it is a good way to prepare myself! If I hadn't read some of these things I think that I would've hated guys forever, I think!! I'm really excited for life and what's to come!!! And I recommend checking out there blog, just remember, they are being honest and it is anaymous! I appreciate their honesty, it helps girls know how their brains work! And that is a mystery yet unsolved my too many!!! hehe!!! Good night guys!!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Not that great in reality!
Well today at church was fun! It was fast and testimony meeting and I got up to go bear my testimony and Josie came too! It was kinda wierd because seeing that I'm not a mom yet I've never had to take a child up to the pulpit! But it went well! Then after sunday school myself and the other 2 laurels were called to be the nursery leaders! It will be tons of fun! I'm really excited! I love little children and to have a calling...yeah!!!
That's about it for my Sunday! I think I'm going to take a shower, eat dinner, then go to bed! I'm so tired!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Sorting back to the past...
My best friend is truly the greatest in the world. We always dreamed of going to high school together and having the same classes and enjoying every minute together! Unfortunately we only got 2 years of high school together and then none of our classes were together. We shared a locker but we rarely saw each other because of the times of our class and their location. Now we are seniors in high school making the best of it sadly on our own. And I think the hardest part is that another one of our dreams was to go to college together! We often said even if I moved we would still go to college together and that would help make the 2 years past faster. But now the two of us are looking at going to different colleges which are roughly 4-6 hours apart, I think! I know I can make it on my own but it's so much more fun and a whole lot easier with her. I know that I wouldn't be as shy and I wouldn't be afraid to go to activities! But I want what's best for her and she is so lucky to have an amazing ACT score that I can only dream of and she should go to the college that we've both dreamed of. I don't want her to settle for less because of me! She's taught me so much. And really in all reality she has essentially made me who I am. She is truly the greatest, wisest, smartest, most humble person I know! I'm just greatful that we could become such good friends even the best of friends over the 7 years! I know things will work out the way the Lord wants them too, and I take comfort in that.
Friday, October 9, 2009

I've often been told that I need to enjoy the moments that I have now. Don't wish my time away! But I am enjoying my time! My senior year is a blast! But I can't wait to go to college!! I can't wait for all that fun!! And I can't wait to see how well I can make it on my own!!
I have roughly 10 months until I leave for college!! I'm counting down the months until I leave and the days until my application comes out!!
I am a smart young adult and I've found books that will help me! I can't wait to get them and read them!! I'm saving like crazy and lovin' life!! What more can you ask for!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Don't follow me I'm lost too!
Well I think after writing it out I've decided what I need to do. I will pray. I am so glad that I was able to listen to conference today. It was a blast!! And I'm grateful for the opportunities that Heavenly Father gives me to kneel and talk with Him!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Flight of's as easy as landing on the Hudson!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Adventures of an almost homecoming queen
Friday, July 31, 2009
Hospital Adventures of the Teenage Soul
Tomorrow, we will be able to get our houses put together! I know this sounds wierd, and it's because it is along with strange and unusal! But we bought two single wides and we are putting them together. I want to send it to Jeff Foxworthy, "You know you're a redneck if... your house is two single wides that got put together!" But none the less, we will have a 4 bedroom 3 bath house. It isn't quite bad. But right now it is very embarrasing! I don't like it at all but hey it's a house and not my sister's basement!! So within the next two weeks I will have my own room again, and I will be able to say, "Hooray!!!!" Now all we need is for my mom to get the job she interviewed for! Please pray! We need all the prayers we can get!!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Home on the range!! (or the farm)
While in Louisiana, I went to Girl's Camp, which was absolutely amazing. It is so AMAZING to be able to be with a group of girls who accept you for who you are. They believe the same as you and even help you keep your standards. It is such a strength for me, it's that little recharge that we hope for and I so desperately need! I also went to EFY, which is Especially For Youth. I guess you could say it's a church camp, but for my deffintion, it is where a whole bunch(this year 800) of LDS youth come together at a university and spend a week. We have classes and dances and devotionals and game night and a testimony meeting and pizza night. But I would say that the most important part isn't scheduled, it isn't a class or anything I said above, but it's the bond you make with the people you are with. There are groups that are called "companies" and there is usually one girl group and one guy group in each company, however, you can two girl groups and one guy group or vise versa. And having 800 youth at EFY, you spend a ton of time with your company. My company was amazing! The girls were awesome and they totally accepted me for me, and I loved that! And the guys in our company are just amazing! They helped me in so many ways that I'm sure most of them will never know! But EFY for me is probably the greatest week of my year. Honestly, I hate leaving and I wish there were more! And now that I have looked more into college because it's my senior year and I'm in a time crunch, I have realized that when I go to college it's going to be one big continuous EFY! I mean, yeah, I will have school work and a job but I can't wait for that spirit. I love it so much and that spirit helps me so much! I hope to have pictures up soon from EFY! I will deffinately get back to you on that!